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⬅️ Fudge Sunday - I Don't Know Where I'll Be Tomorrow 🧭 Fudge Sunday - All Along the Watchtower ➑️

Fudge Sunday - Get High On a New Thing

by Jay Cuthrell

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Start the week more informedA song, lyric, and tweets to connect it back to the edge, core, and cloud.

This issue is part 4 of a 5 part series

  1. Fudge Sunday - And the way that gravity pulls on everyone
  2. Fudge Sunday - And All Points In Between
  3. Fudge Sunday - All Along the Watchtower
  4. Fudge Sunday - Get High On a New Thing
  5. Fudge Sunday - I Don’t Know Where I’ll Be Tomorrow

Get high on a new thing

"New Thing" | Enuff Z'Nuff | New 16:9 Formatting"New Thing" | Enuff Z’Nuff | New 16:9 Formatting

Hello again. Welcome to part 4 of 5 in this series. Let’s recap.

Previously, I mentioned the role of the edge and data gravity. Next, I went into a bit more detail on everything from the millions of places with data today and the many millions of places that will follow. Then, I went into how mobile and extraterrestrial vantage points are shaping how we think about data gravity.

Kind of on investigation

Let’s start with another question. What would it be like if the top of every cell tower was augmented with more than a mast for a GPS receiver to the sky?

Imagine the number and density of the towers becoming less about line of sight topology tower to tower and (front) backhaul tower to tower network capacity. In fact, the role of the tower could be to take network traffic and machine to machine localized information to and from the satellite network.

Next, take note that the emerging trends from social telecom in 2010 and 2020 will apply in 2030. Now, consider what a small data center or many small data centers in a halo ring around what is now a satellite base station could mean and that’s where things start to get interesting.

In fact, pundits already refer to these small computing environments as mini or micro data centers. The increased frequency of such references will follow the developments that occur in alliances and shipping solutions within the IT market.

Everybody wants to find it

Previously, we noted that over time, satellite base stations start to look like more of what we call cell towers today. Also, just like the cell towers that ended up on the top of buildings you will have base stations on the tops of every building with a clear view of the sky.

The early days of point to point connections or a point to multi point connections on buildings were to get around some of the legacy challenges with access involving incumbent telecommunications companies. As such, it may become even more important to consider the topic of roof rights when leasing a building.

Nursing old things make them last

Monkeybrains ISP


New links going up in Oakland! https://t.co/XZynps8wNB

6:01 PM - 30 Jun 2021

PathFinder Digital LLC


PathFinder is pleased to support @attochron Attochron LLC with its Free Space Optic (FSO) full-duplex Gbps Ethernet Backhaul Link tests in Lexington, VA. #freespaceoptics https://t.co/K6lCUDm1yY

9:23 AM - 3 Jul 2020

Up and coming network solutions providers commonly deployed radio based systems and free space optics to solve challenges for their customers. Sometimes these challenges were in tall buildings. In other instances, niche applications with unique requirements mandated innovative approaches to solving very specific connectivity problems.

Typically, a β€œbelt and suspenders” approach was only possible with relatively large amounts of capital. Now imagine access to simple ubiquitous satellite connectivity and terrestrial connectivity for the best of both worlds at prosumer to consumer accessible pricing.

The way we did it in the past

Our past can provide cautionary tales. Of course, having diverse network paths only helps if the stacks that rely on those paths do not converge to a single service.

Catalin Cimpanu


The internet is on fire again. This time courtesy of Akamai DNS: https://t.co/BUusCvwNGb https://t.co/JiBvzSZXJk

12:24 PM - 22 Jul 2021

Ryan Kroonenburg


A lot of sys admins right now #akamai #dns https://t.co/GAyxEewNql

1:07 PM - 22 Jul 2021

As of this issue, the return to the office building is still a bit in flux. However, it is worth thinking about what outside network connectivity in a building could mean in the near future.

Perhaps the attraction (for companies that may not exist yet) will be to have a wide variety of choices to, well, decide between wide area networking, wider area networking, or the widest possible area networking.

It is also likely that all manner of services will further mature in the ability to make decisions to maximize availability. Further, the service chaining taking place inside of networks could be both terrestrial as well as those that are also extraterrestrial.

Next, the ability to move the micro data centers into orbit might sound far fetched now but so did most technology before it was democratized. So getting the technology democratized is what opens the aperture of harnessing more imaginations around the planet, above the planet, and eventually between the planets.

Interesting patterns will emerge. We need to keep our minds open to change because what we think of as the pattern of consumption for today might not necessarily be the pattern of consumption for tomorrow.

One of the common phrases associated with astronauts is the change in their perspective when seeing the Earth from the highest perch possible. Indeed, a transformation is possible for every human when the information from the sensors around us and the satellites above us form a benevolent telemetry of ever richer information that is also democratized.

Quote Tweeting Techmeme

Jay Cuthrell


The past 10 years saw democratization of data science related verbs like extract, load, transform (ELT/ETL).

The next 10 years will see new verbs* become startup mission statements that further this democratization.

* enrich, clean, validate, collate, ameliorate, deprecate, etc https://t.co/2JdpuRyhbv

2:52 PM - 3 Jul 2021



Rasgo, a GitHub-like repository which helps data scientists explore, clean, join, and transform data sets for machine learning models, raises $20M Series A (AlleyWatch)


8:16 PM - 26 Jun 2021

Jay Cuthrell


A preferred high ground game in metro network connectivity arbitrage is roof rights on tall buildings.πŸŒ†

I would argue that new revenue (forgive me) angles can involve creative use of dormant commercial roof rights.πŸŒ†πŸ“‘πŸ›°οΈ

What company could possibly afford all the top floors?πŸ€” https://t.co/dGvqmFAvHo

6:24 PM - 14 Jul 2021



In April, Amazon acquired over a dozen staff from Facebook to boost its own low earth orbit satellite internet efforts; Amazon paid Facebook to seal agreement (The Information)


5:11 PM - 13 Jul 2021

Jay Cuthrell


Cloud egress fees are the 2020s version of long distance charges from the 1990s. https://t.co/0dN54ON65X

10:43 AM - 24 Jul 2021

Jay Cuthrell


There will be a precipitous drop in memory costs and the future of egregious egress fees for cloud hosting providers is going to shift from awkward to completely unjustifiable. https://t.co/up1aKoC3qe

10:45 AM - 24 Jul 2021



Cloudflare accuses AWS of massive markups on egress bandwidth fees per region, estimating North American and European customers pay 80x the operational costs (The Cloudflare Blog)


9:51 PM - 23 Jul 2021

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⬅️ Fudge Sunday - I Don't Know Where I'll Be Tomorrow 🧭 Fudge Sunday - All Along the Watchtower ➑️
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