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⬅️ Fudge Sunday - Gaming, Healthcare, and Convergence 🧭 Fudge Sunday - Get High On a New Thing ➡️
Fudge Sunday - I Don't Know Where I'll Be Tomorrow
A song, lyric, and tweets to connect it back to the edge, core, and cloud.
This issue is part 5 of a 5 part series
- Fudge Sunday - And the way that gravity pulls on everyone
- Fudge Sunday - And All Points In Between
- Fudge Sunday - All Along the Watchtower
- Fudge Sunday - Get High On a New Thing
- Fudge Sunday - I Don’t Know Where I’ll Be Tomorrow
Wheel in the Sky
Journey - Wheel in the Sky (Official Video - 1978)
This is the fifth and final of the series. By now, we’ve talked a bit about data centers that are on the surface of the Earth and those that might be above it in the sky and beyond.
While we haven’t spent much time on the majority of what covers the earth, it’s a good time to remember it’s the seas that dominate and make this the blue planet. The point being, where there can be data there may very well be a data center that follows.
Example: Microsoft’s Project Natick
- Consistently stable server friendly dry nitrogen environment
- 864 Servers with 27.6 PB of storage
- 2 years of experimental learning
Microsoft reveals findings from Project Natick, its experimental undersea datacenter
Made of silver, not of clay
If we imagine the value of a network, one way to increase in value of a network comes from making it possible to connect to as many things as possible. Value comes from ubiquity and use cases emerge from ubiquity.
The proliferation of mobile and WiFi has led more members of society to think about network connectivity in similar ways to the tiers in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. As such, network connectivity will increasingly be thought of as both a part of our human experience and as a means for stratification in our socioeconomic constructs.
Beyond data there is a progression to seek meaning as information with a transformation of context into knowledge before it can be applied as wisdom. So, to be clear, up to now we’ve really been talking about data centers not information centers, knowledge centers, let alone wisdom centers.
Got to make it before too long
If we assume that the wise will continuously build subscriptions to data and information services that are frictionless, we can focus next on who is buying to bring context and create applications. For one example, having ready access to overlay, interpret, and apply machine learning models in real-time like to everything from clouds to micro data centers operating as dispersed weather stations allows anyone to stitch together the most accurate extrapolation of weather. The value in such a use case can range from picnic planning to sport stadium dome placement to saving lives.
One challenge is thinking through how one takes vast amounts of data and rationalizes based on location and time – the spatial and temporal view. Rationalization becomes what is essential for these kinds of models.
Setting aside saving lives, at first we won’t be as concerned with it being mission critical or life saving a lot of things. For example, if you listen to the early writings of pundits and venture capitalists, sometimes the next big thing will simply look like a game.
Perhaps the next generation of gaming developers will create applications which use multi-access edge computing, planetary connectivity capabilities, and awareness of other people in proximity with similar mobile devices. Perhaps even pushing the edge of promiscuous networking to offer up your personal connectivity to other acceptable radio participation in IP networking will become more acceptable.
Increasingly, we’re walking around with ever more computationally powerful technology in our pockets. It stands to reason that the communication fabric that we carry in our pockets to connect the entire world to the rest of the entire world, in the skies, and in space can’t be too far away.
Thinking Out Loud
And now… it’s 161 as of this issue of the newsletter. 😱
Question: What if “Cloud” is talent sequestration?🤔
Anecdote: Updated stats on IT brain drain flow into hyperscale cloud service providers based solely on my @LinkedIn🤓🧠💸☁️☁️☁️☁️
@awscloud = 59 peers
@googlecloud = 44 peers
@Azure = 30 peers
@OracleCloud = 27 peers
Final Reading for the Road…
Read: What In The World Is Going On With Data Catalogs?
According to the team at Monte Carlo Data, the humble data catalog is having an identity crisis.