Back in Circulation
A look at what's next in post-pandemic travel and apps potpourri
Reading, Wishing, and Watching
My thoughts on recent reading, wish lists, and viewing habits
SXSW 2024 Days 4-9
My end of day notes from SXSW 2024 Days 4-9
5 Years of Probing
A look at RIPE Atlas probes
11ty RSS Activepieces
A look at enhancing 11ty POSSE with RSS 2.0, Open Graph, and Activepieces
11ty iFramely Bookmarks
A look at bookmarks as a reading list presented using 11ty and iFramely
Fudge Sunday - Twitter Travel Algorithmic Oddities
Fudge Sunday - Summertime Pastness
A short summer reading list from 1978-2020 to consider our future
Fudge Sunday - Reflecting and Projecting
Social Telecom 2030
A projection in 2020 for what the next 10 years will bring
Fudge Sunday - Vacation Edition
Fudge Sunday - Reflections on a Dot-Com Legacy
Fudge Sunday - Life at 34,000 Feet
Life at 34000 Feet
Fudge Sunday - Road Warrior Redux
Road Warrior Redux
My Eighth Year at Dell
My Seventh Year at Dell EMC
Converged Thoughts Six
My Fifth Year at VCE
Thoughts on my 5th year at VCE
My Second Year at VCE
Private Clouds Ahead
Here comes Acadia
Airwaves vs Airlines
On face to face meetings and technology
The Taco Thesis
Thoughts on SxSW 2008
And for my next trick
A dotcom tale
Here It Comes
a post 9/11 update
Tel Aviv Traceroute
Packets of the past
- 11ty
- 3g
- 4g
- 5G
- 5g
- 6g
- acadia
- access
- accessibility
- accuracy
- ackronym
- acquisitions
- acronyms
- activepieces
- adot
- advisable
- agenda
- agenticai
- agents
- aging
- agriculture
- ai
- aiml
- aiops
- airbyte
- airflow
- ajl
- alg
- alphasense
- amazon
- amazonaws
- amplica
- analogies
- analysis
- analyst
- analysts
- analytics
- ansible
- anthropic
- apache
- api
- apm
- apple
- applications
- apps
- ar
- arrow
- ascii-art
- astronomer
- atlassian
- att
- audience
- augmented
- automation
- avatars
- aws
- azure
- backronym
- backronyms
- backstage
- balloons
- bandwidth
- bbq
- bea
- belcan
- benthos
- beyondcorp
- bgp
- bicep
- bigquery
- bing
- blogging
- blogpost
- bluesky
- bookmarks
- borderless-networks
- bouyant
- bpf
- brazil
- broadband
- buffering
- business
- business-cards
- buttondown
- byoai
- cable-modem
- cache
- cal-val
- career
- cbre
- cc
- ccc
- cdn
- cerebras
- chatgpt
- chemistry
- chips
- cillium
- cisco
- claude
- clerdata
- clickhouse
- cloud
- cloudflare
- cloudformation
- cloudinpublic
- cloudnative
- cloudops
- clusterdesign
- cms
- cobots
- cognigy
- cognizant
- coherence
- com
- comcast
- comet
- community
- companies
- composable
- computation
- computeai
- concur
- conferences
- connectivity
- conservation
- consulting
- consumer
- convergence
- cooling
- core
- corevist
- cpf
- cpu
- cpus
- crawlers
- creators
- cro
- cropscience
- crypto
- csa
- csp
- culture
- cv
- cxl
- cyberhaven
- cybersecurity
- dashboards
- data
- data-protection
- databand
- databricks
- datacenter
- datacenters
- datafusion
- datagarden
- dataops
- dataplatforms
- dataprep
- deep-web
- dell
- design
- designforfail
- designforflail
- devcommsops
- developers
- devices
- devops
- devopsbox
- devsecops
- devx
- dialup
- diaspora
- dictation
- digest
- digital-twins
- digitel
- discord
- dmca
- dns
- docker
- docs-as-code
- docsis
- documentation
- dotcom
- dpu
- dpwcg
- dremio
- drones
- dsl
- dsnp
- dtw
- e6y
- eap
- ebpf
- ecc
- economics
- ecosystem
- edge
- eff
- efficiency
- eleventy
- emc
- empathy
- encryption
- energy
- engineering
- equity
- essays
- esteem
- estimates
- ethics
- ettc
- ev
- eventbrite
- events
- executive
- faang
- fabrics
- feature-story
- features
- fediverse
- fhe
- finops
- fitymi
- fivetran
- flickr
- flighty
- fomo
- footnotes
- fortinet
- fractional
- framepointers
- friction
- fudge
- fudge-factor
- functionality
- funding
- future
- futureofwork
- futures
- gartner
- gcore
- gcp
- gemini
- genai
- geometry
- github
- gitops
- goldenpath
- government
- gps
- gpu
- gpus
- graphql
- greencoding
- groq
- growth
- gtd
- hadoop
- hardware
- haro
- harvey
- hashicorp
- headless
- healthcare
- helium
- hevo
- hiring
- history
- hitl
- homomorphic
- honeycomb
- hot
- howto
- hp
- hpc
- hudi
- hugo
- humanitec
- hybrid-cloud
- hyde
- hype
- ibles-ables
- ibm
- iceberg
- ict
- idp
- ieee
- iframely
- ifttt
- iiot
- impactmapping
- industry
- information-centers
- infracost
- infrastructure
- inphinity
- insightsoftware
- intel
- internet
- interplanetary
- iot
- ipaas
- ipsec
- ipv4
- ipv6
- ism
- isovalent
- istio
- isv
- itc
- ixl
- jekyll
- jobs
- journalism
- journeys
- jsc
- jupyterlab
- k8s
- kentik
- knowledge-centers
- knowledge-graph
- labor
- lacework
- landing-zones
- landingzones
- latency
- layoffs
- learning
- life
- life-sciences
- link-rot
- linkerd
- linkrot
- links
- llm
- llmops
- llms
- loss
- lowcode
- lte
- lunchclub
- lyric
- lz
- mach
- mano
- manufacturing
- mapping
- marine
- marketing
- marketplaces
- mastodon
- materials
- matillion
- mckinsey
- media
- meetings
- meetup
- memes
- mergers
- meta
- mia-platform
- microservices
- microsoft
- milvus
- mindmap
- miro
- mistral
- ml
- mlops
- mna
- mobile
- modelops
- momento
- monday
- monitoring
- mqqt
- msp
- mtta
- mttc
- mttd
- mttf
- mtti
- mttr
- mttrca
- mttrr
- mttt
- mttv
- mturk
- multicloud
- mural
- music
- nasa
- nature
- netlify
- networking
- networks
- news
- newsletter
- nexuslabs
- nexustek
- niche
- nio
- nist
- nni
- nocode
- nortel
- nostalgia
- npm
- npu
- nsa
- ntp
- nvidia
- observability
- obsidian
- oci
- ocp
- office
- open-source
- openai
- opencensus
- opensource
- opentelemetry
- opentowork
- opentracing
- oracle
- oran
- organizations
- otel
- oxide
- pac
- pandas
- panelpicker
- parquet
- partners
- past
- paths
- patterns
- pcie
- pelican
- people
- performance
- perl
- permissible
- perplexity
- pharma
- physics
- ping
- pipelines
- pki
- plants
- plantwave
- platform
- platform engineering
- platform-engineer
- platform-engineering
- platforms
- plg
- plugins
- podcast
- polars
- policy
- portable
- portals
- posse
- possible
- potpourri
- power
- precision
- present
- press
- presto
- primordial
- privacy
- private-cloud
- probes
- procode
- product-engineering
- product-led-growth
- products
- profit
- project-liberty
- provenance
- ptp
- public-cloud
- publishing
- pulumi
- pundits
- python
- qlik
- qthrul
- quantum
- radiation
- rag
- readability
- reading
- readwrite
- recruiting
- red-hat
- redmonk
- redshift
- reits
- relationalai
- remote-sensing
- remote-work
- remotesensing
- repatriation
- repeatable
- reporting
- resilience
- retail
- return-to-office
- revenue
- revops
- rfc
- ripe
- rivery
- roadie
- roadwarrior
- robotics
- roi
- rroa
- rss
- rti
- rto
- ruby
- rugged
- ruleof40
- ruleofx
- ruliad
- runtimes
- s3
- salesforce
- sambanova
- sap
- sas
- satellite
- scada
- scale
- science
- scient
- security
- segmentation
- self
- seniormoments
- sensors
- sentiers
- sentintel-intelligence
- service-mesh
- service-provider
- serviceNow
- servicecatalog
- services
- sevenai
- sgrita
- shein
- shot-and-chaser
- sidecars
- signal
- signaling
- silo
- skywalking
- slack
- slg
- slo
- sneller
- snowflake
- soc
- social
- social-networks
- software
- solo
- sonos
- space
- spark
- spawl
- specialization
- spifd
- spifd2
- sponsorships
- spotify
- spreadsheet
- sre
- ssl
- sss
- standards
- starburst
- startups
- stashboards
- status
- stem
- stitch
- strategy
- streaming
- substack
- sun
- supercloud
- superconnector
- superset
- supplychain
- sustainability
- sustainable
- sxsw
- syndication
- synthetic-data
- systems
- tabular
- tackleio
- tailscale
- talent
- taos
- tco
- teams
- tech
- techmeme
- technical-writing
- technology
- techpress
- tecton
- telco
- telecom
- telecompetitor
- telemetry
- telepresence
- tenderdai
- terraform
- tetrate
- the-perfect-team
- thoughts
- throughput
- tigera
- tls
- toolchains
- tools
- traceroute
- training
- transportation
- travel
- travelperk
- trends
- trino
- tripit
- ubiquitous-workload-substrate
- ul
- unfinished
- uptime
- urls
- use-cases
- utilities
- ux
- valuation
- value
- vast
- vblock
- vc
- vce
- velox
- verisign
- verizon
- video
- videoconference
- visualizations
- vizlib
- vlex
- vmware
- vowel
- vpn
- vr
- vran
- vxrail
- wardley-map
- wardley-mapping
- watching
- water
- wayscript
- weaveworks
- web
- webex
- webhooks
- weight
- weka
- whatsdown
- whatsup
- whova
- wifi
- wiki
- wikipedia
- wishing
- wordpress
- work-from-home
- workday
- workflow
- world-wide-wait
- world-wide-web
- writeback
- writing
- www
- xaas
- yahoo-pipes
- yasor
- ycombinator
- youtube
- zapier
- zero-trust
- zerotrust
- zettelkasten
- zettlekasten
- zirp
- zoom
- zpr
- zta
- ztna