
11ty Footnotes

A look at enhancing 11ty for newsletter footnotes

11ty RSS Activepieces

A look at enhancing 11ty POSSE with RSS 2.0, Open Graph, and Activepieces

11ty iFramely Bookmarks

A look at bookmarks as a reading list presented using 11ty and iFramely

Security on the Agenda

A look at the past, present, and future of security on conference agendas

Buttondown with 11ty on Netlify with GitHub

A look at how Fudge Sunday 🤔💡🤯🤓 newsletter gets made each week

Interoperability and Convergence Ahead

A look at Polars, Cerebras, VAST, Weka, FHE, and much more.

Tip of the Apache Iceberg

A look at the past, present, and future of Apache Iceberg and related projects

Zettelkasten End of Year for 2023

A look back at what I learned this year in this newsletter

Networks, Security, and an Easier EV

A look at the past, present, and future of eBPF and an easier EV experience

Pipes Before Pipelines

A look at a recent love letter to Yahoo Pipes, the rise of iPaaS, DataOps, and a lowcode nocode update